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Open Project For Mac

broken image

So I could open my Project in the copy of Project Professional 2013 within the virtual environment. We do not have Project Professional for the Mac, so use a virtual environment for Project Professional 2013 (Project Pro for Office 365), SharePoint Designer 2013 and Excel 2013 (if you want OData access). . Runs on any Mac with Yosemite or above. Looks and feels just like MS Project, but on your Mac!. Supports files created in versions of MS Project, going all the way back to Microsoft Project 98. Integrated with all major cloud providers, such as Google Drive, iCloud, One Drive, Box, Dropbox, SharePoint Online and Project Online. Ready for large corporate Mac deployments.

Projects created on the Mac platform have a larger maximum file size than Windows projects. If the size of your Mac project exceeds 10GB you may not be able to open it in NVivo for Windows. You cannot open a project created in the Windows format (.nvp) in the Mac platform—you will need to convert it to the NVivo for Mac format first. To open Project options in Visual Studio for Mac, double-click the project name, or right-click to open the context menu, and then select Options: Editable options include options to build, run, and set source code and version control. Project options are organized into five different categories. Open, view and share your plans from any storage or cloud location on any Mac device running Yosemite, El Capitan, or the new macOS Operating Systems. Download Project Viewer 365 for Mac Open any Microsoft Project file from your device, network, intranet or cloud location.

NVivo for Windows and NVivo for Mac are separate software applications. The projects have a different file format.

  • NVivo 12 for Windows (.nvp)
  • NVivo 12 for Mac (.nvpx)
Open project mac installation

You can convert a project from one file format to the other using the project converter available in NVivo 12 for Windows.

Understand project file formats

Projects created on the Mac platform have a larger maximum file size than Windows projects. If the size of your Mac project exceeds 10GB you may not be able to open it in NVivo for Windows.

You cannot open a project created in the Windows format (.nvp) in the Mac platform—you will need to convert it to the NVivo for Mac format first. You can do this using the 'copy project' feature. You can also export selected items from an NVivo 12 for Windows project to a new NVivo 12 for Mac project.

You can open an NVivo project created on the Mac platform (.nvpx) in Windows and it will be converted into the Windows format (.nvp) for you. Alternatively, you can import the content from an NVivo for Mac project into an NVivo for Windows project.

Open Downloads On Mac

If you want to convert an NVivo for Mac (Version 11) project to the NVivo 12 for Windows format, you must first open (and upgrade) the project using NVivo 12 for Mac, then convert the project using NVivo 12 for Windows.

NOTE NVivo for Mac has a subset of the features available in NVivo 12 for Windows. If you convert your Windows project and access it on the Mac platform, you may not be able to work with all your project items.

Can I work with a project on Windows and Mac?

Open Project For Mac

It is possible to work with a project on both Windows and Mac (cross-platform), however, we recommend that you work with your project on a single platform due to some known limitations and issues.

Can we work as a team with some users on Windows and others on Mac?

We recommend that all team members use the same version of the software (and do not work cross-platform) due to some known limitations and issues.

Why does my converted Windows project look different on Mac?

When you open a converted project in NVivo for Mac, items that are not supported on the Mac version of the software are hidden.

If your project contains Search Folders or queries that are not yet available in the Mac version of the software (for example, compound queries), you will notice that:

  • You cannot see the Search Folders in Navigation View
  • You cannot see these queries in List View
  • Queries will only search items that are visible in your project. If the scope of a query is defined by a Search Folder it will not return any results

Annotations are only supported for documents, PDFs, externals and memos. If your project contains annotations in audios, videos, pictures or datasets, then you will notice that:

  • You cannot see these annotations in these files
  • You cannot see these annotations in the Annotations folder in Navigation View.

Other project items (for example, maps and reports) that are not available are also hidden.

If you open the project in NVivo for Windows you will be able to see everything again.

IMPORTANT Do not delete folders that appear to be empty when you are working with a converted project, because the folder may contain hidden project items. For example, framework matrices are not supported in NVivo for Mac, so a folder that only contains framework matrices will appear to be empty when viewed in NVivo for Mac.

Update file links in converted projects

The Windows and Mac operating systems use different formats for file links. This means that if you convert your Windows project and open it in NVivo for Mac (or vice versa), you will not be able to access linked files unless you update the file links.

Within NVivo you can create links to files outside your project in the following ways:

  • External files that link to a file
  • Audio and video files with media files stored outside the project (not embedded)
  • Hyperlinks within documents and memos to files

When you convert a project from Windows to Mac format, you will need to update the file links (in the item's properties) if you want to access the files.

Copy a project to the NVivo for Mac format

  1. With the project opened, click the File tab, and then click Copy Project.
  2. Under Copy to, choose NVivo 12 (Mac) project.
  3. Click Browse to select where you want save the converted project, enter a name for the copied project in the File name box, and then click Save.
  4. Click OK. A copy of your open project is saved at the selected location.

NOTE NVivo for Mac has a subset of the features available in NVivo 12 for Windows. If you convert your Windows project and access it on the Mac platform, you may not be able to work with all your project items. For a detailed comparison of the features available on both platforms, refer to the QSR website.

Convert a Mac project to the Windows format

  1. Click the File tab, and then click Open. Keyboard shortcut To display the Open Project dialog box, press CTRL+O
  2. Locate and select the Mac project (.nvpx) you want to open.
  3. Click Open.
  4. Click Browse to select where you want save the converted project, enter a name for the copied project in the File name box, and then click Save.
  5. Click Convert.

NOTE Projects created on the Mac platform have a larger maximum file size than Windows projects. If your Mac project has large embedded media files (that make the project exceed the size allowed in Windows)—the media files will be automatically stored outside the project.

Open Project Macros

Can I connect to NVivo for Teams from a Mac?

Microsoft Project Mac

No, you cannot connect to NVivo for Teams from NVivo for Mac.

If you have an NVivo for Teams project that you want to work with on the Mac as a standalone project, you need to convert it to Mac project format (.nvpx) using NVivo for Windows.

If you have an Mac project that you want to store on the NVivo for Teams, you need to first convert the project to Windows format (.nvp) using NVivo for Windows.

Mac Torrents - Torrents for Mac. Free Apps, Games & Plugins. Apple Final Cut Pro & Logic Pro X, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Pixel Film Studios, OSX. Download Mac Games via Direct & Fast Resumeable Download Links. Our links are better than Torrent links. Mac Games Download, Mac Game Torrents. Mac games for torrent kickass.

Following instructions of I hit upon error already discussed elsewhere, but without resolution.

`ActionView::Template::Error (couldn't find file ‘bundles/openproject-global'` in `assets/stylesheets/default.css.sass:28`

Clearly there is a webpack issue. `openproject/frontend/node_modules/.bin/webpack: No such file or directory` when trying to precompile assets. Given the impressive amount of gems and dependencies, one feels cautious…

Building the best open source project collaboration software.'},'createdAt':'2012-09-21T13:37:39Z','updatedAt':'2020-10-07T11:02:49Z','status':null,'statusExplanation':{'format':'markdown','raw':null,'html':'},'_links':{'self':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'},'workPackages':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/work_packages'},'categories':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/categories'},'versions':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/versions'},'types':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/types'},'schema':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/schema'},'customField105':{'href':null,'title':null},'parent':{'href':null,'title':null}}}},'_type':'Post','id':5997,'subject':'MacOs installation','_links':{'attachments':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/5997/attachments'},'prepareAttachment':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/5997/attachments/prepare','method':'post'},'self':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/5997'},'project':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'}}}'>

Replies (2)

Hey Jerry,

Open Project For Mac

wow - the linked guide is horribly outdated. It appears to still be the first result when searching for an OSX installation guide, though.
Airplay for mac to ipad. I've altered the page to make sure its deprecated state.

You should be able to install on OS X using the manual installation guide here:

Open Project Virtual Machine

If you have success with the installation, please let us know of any alterations you needed for the installation on OSX.


Building the best open source project collaboration software.'},'createdAt':'2012-09-21T13:37:39Z','updatedAt':'2020-10-07T11:02:49Z','status':null,'statusExplanation':{'format':'markdown','raw':null,'html':'},'_links':{'self':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'},'workPackages':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/work_packages'},'categories':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/categories'},'versions':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/versions'},'types':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/types'},'schema':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/schema'},'customField105':{'href':null,'title':null},'parent':{'href':null,'title':null}}}},'_type':'Post','id':6051,'subject':'RE: MacOs installation','_links':{'attachments':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/6051/attachments'},'prepareAttachment':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/6051/attachments/prepare','method':'post'},'self':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/6051'},'project':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'}}}'>
Open Project For Mac

Hi Jerry, hi Oliver,

I suggest to move all content from the wiki to Github -> Website.


Open Source Project For Machine Learning

Open project machine learning

You can convert a project from one file format to the other using the project converter available in NVivo 12 for Windows.

Understand project file formats

Projects created on the Mac platform have a larger maximum file size than Windows projects. If the size of your Mac project exceeds 10GB you may not be able to open it in NVivo for Windows.

You cannot open a project created in the Windows format (.nvp) in the Mac platform—you will need to convert it to the NVivo for Mac format first. You can do this using the 'copy project' feature. You can also export selected items from an NVivo 12 for Windows project to a new NVivo 12 for Mac project.

You can open an NVivo project created on the Mac platform (.nvpx) in Windows and it will be converted into the Windows format (.nvp) for you. Alternatively, you can import the content from an NVivo for Mac project into an NVivo for Windows project.

Open Downloads On Mac

If you want to convert an NVivo for Mac (Version 11) project to the NVivo 12 for Windows format, you must first open (and upgrade) the project using NVivo 12 for Mac, then convert the project using NVivo 12 for Windows.

NOTE NVivo for Mac has a subset of the features available in NVivo 12 for Windows. If you convert your Windows project and access it on the Mac platform, you may not be able to work with all your project items.

Can I work with a project on Windows and Mac?

It is possible to work with a project on both Windows and Mac (cross-platform), however, we recommend that you work with your project on a single platform due to some known limitations and issues.

Can we work as a team with some users on Windows and others on Mac?

We recommend that all team members use the same version of the software (and do not work cross-platform) due to some known limitations and issues.

Why does my converted Windows project look different on Mac?

When you open a converted project in NVivo for Mac, items that are not supported on the Mac version of the software are hidden.

If your project contains Search Folders or queries that are not yet available in the Mac version of the software (for example, compound queries), you will notice that:

  • You cannot see the Search Folders in Navigation View
  • You cannot see these queries in List View
  • Queries will only search items that are visible in your project. If the scope of a query is defined by a Search Folder it will not return any results

Annotations are only supported for documents, PDFs, externals and memos. If your project contains annotations in audios, videos, pictures or datasets, then you will notice that:

  • You cannot see these annotations in these files
  • You cannot see these annotations in the Annotations folder in Navigation View.

Other project items (for example, maps and reports) that are not available are also hidden.

If you open the project in NVivo for Windows you will be able to see everything again.

IMPORTANT Do not delete folders that appear to be empty when you are working with a converted project, because the folder may contain hidden project items. For example, framework matrices are not supported in NVivo for Mac, so a folder that only contains framework matrices will appear to be empty when viewed in NVivo for Mac.

Update file links in converted projects

The Windows and Mac operating systems use different formats for file links. This means that if you convert your Windows project and open it in NVivo for Mac (or vice versa), you will not be able to access linked files unless you update the file links.

Within NVivo you can create links to files outside your project in the following ways:

  • External files that link to a file
  • Audio and video files with media files stored outside the project (not embedded)
  • Hyperlinks within documents and memos to files

When you convert a project from Windows to Mac format, you will need to update the file links (in the item's properties) if you want to access the files.

Copy a project to the NVivo for Mac format

  1. With the project opened, click the File tab, and then click Copy Project.
  2. Under Copy to, choose NVivo 12 (Mac) project.
  3. Click Browse to select where you want save the converted project, enter a name for the copied project in the File name box, and then click Save.
  4. Click OK. A copy of your open project is saved at the selected location.

NOTE NVivo for Mac has a subset of the features available in NVivo 12 for Windows. If you convert your Windows project and access it on the Mac platform, you may not be able to work with all your project items. For a detailed comparison of the features available on both platforms, refer to the QSR website.

Convert a Mac project to the Windows format

  1. Click the File tab, and then click Open. Keyboard shortcut To display the Open Project dialog box, press CTRL+O
  2. Locate and select the Mac project (.nvpx) you want to open.
  3. Click Open.
  4. Click Browse to select where you want save the converted project, enter a name for the copied project in the File name box, and then click Save.
  5. Click Convert.

NOTE Projects created on the Mac platform have a larger maximum file size than Windows projects. If your Mac project has large embedded media files (that make the project exceed the size allowed in Windows)—the media files will be automatically stored outside the project.

Open Project Macros

Can I connect to NVivo for Teams from a Mac?

Microsoft Project Mac

No, you cannot connect to NVivo for Teams from NVivo for Mac.

If you have an NVivo for Teams project that you want to work with on the Mac as a standalone project, you need to convert it to Mac project format (.nvpx) using NVivo for Windows.

If you have an Mac project that you want to store on the NVivo for Teams, you need to first convert the project to Windows format (.nvp) using NVivo for Windows.

Mac Torrents - Torrents for Mac. Free Apps, Games & Plugins. Apple Final Cut Pro & Logic Pro X, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Pixel Film Studios, OSX. Download Mac Games via Direct & Fast Resumeable Download Links. Our links are better than Torrent links. Mac Games Download, Mac Game Torrents. Mac games for torrent kickass.

Following instructions of I hit upon error already discussed elsewhere, but without resolution.

`ActionView::Template::Error (couldn't find file ‘bundles/openproject-global'` in `assets/stylesheets/default.css.sass:28`

Clearly there is a webpack issue. `openproject/frontend/node_modules/.bin/webpack: No such file or directory` when trying to precompile assets. Given the impressive amount of gems and dependencies, one feels cautious…

Building the best open source project collaboration software.'},'createdAt':'2012-09-21T13:37:39Z','updatedAt':'2020-10-07T11:02:49Z','status':null,'statusExplanation':{'format':'markdown','raw':null,'html':'},'_links':{'self':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'},'workPackages':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/work_packages'},'categories':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/categories'},'versions':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/versions'},'types':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/types'},'schema':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/schema'},'customField105':{'href':null,'title':null},'parent':{'href':null,'title':null}}}},'_type':'Post','id':5997,'subject':'MacOs installation','_links':{'attachments':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/5997/attachments'},'prepareAttachment':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/5997/attachments/prepare','method':'post'},'self':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/5997'},'project':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'}}}'>

Replies (2)

Hey Jerry,

wow - the linked guide is horribly outdated. It appears to still be the first result when searching for an OSX installation guide, though.
Airplay for mac to ipad. I've altered the page to make sure its deprecated state.

You should be able to install on OS X using the manual installation guide here:

Open Project Virtual Machine

If you have success with the installation, please let us know of any alterations you needed for the installation on OSX.


Building the best open source project collaboration software.'},'createdAt':'2012-09-21T13:37:39Z','updatedAt':'2020-10-07T11:02:49Z','status':null,'statusExplanation':{'format':'markdown','raw':null,'html':'},'_links':{'self':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'},'workPackages':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/work_packages'},'categories':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/categories'},'versions':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/versions'},'types':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/types'},'schema':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/schema'},'customField105':{'href':null,'title':null},'parent':{'href':null,'title':null}}}},'_type':'Post','id':6051,'subject':'RE: MacOs installation','_links':{'attachments':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/6051/attachments'},'prepareAttachment':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/6051/attachments/prepare','method':'post'},'self':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/6051'},'project':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'}}}'>

Hi Jerry, hi Oliver,

I suggest to move all content from the wiki to Github -> Website.


Open Source Project For Machine Learning

Open Microsoft Project On Mac

Building the best open source project collaboration software.'},'createdAt':'2012-09-21T13:37:39Z','updatedAt':'2020-10-07T11:02:49Z','status':null,'statusExplanation':{'format':'markdown','raw':null,'html':'},'_links':{'self':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'},'workPackages':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/work_packages'},'categories':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/categories'},'versions':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/versions'},'types':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14/types'},'schema':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/schema'},'customField105':{'href':null,'title':null},'parent':{'href':null,'title':null}}}},'_type':'Post','id':6057,'subject':'RE: MacOs installation','_links':{'attachments':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/6057/attachments'},'prepareAttachment':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/6057/attachments/prepare','method':'post'},'self':{'href':'/api/v3/posts/6057'},'project':{'href':'/api/v3/projects/14','title':'OpenProject'}}}'>

broken image